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Online Email Marketing: 20+ Reasons Why you Need it!

Online email marketing might seem like a relic from the early 2000s, but let’s not jump to conclusions.

Despite the rise of social media and instant messaging, email remains a powerhouse in communication. Businesses, big and small, continue to rely on email marketing for good reason.

Here’s why you should too:

  1. Unmatched Reach: Did you know there are over 4 billion daily email users? Email has a reach that few other platforms can boast. It’s like a bridge that connects you with a vast ocean of potential customers globally.
  2. Cost-Effective: When it comes to bang for your buck, online email marketing is unrivaled. Compared to other marketing strategies, sending emails is incredibly cheap. You can reach a large number of people at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods.
  3. Personal Touch: Personalization isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a crucial strategy in email marketing. With emails, you can tailor your messages based on customer actions, preferences, and history. This personal touch increases engagement and conversions.
  4. Measurable Results: One of the best things about email marketing is its measurability. Platforms provide a plethora of analytics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This helps you understand what works and refine your strategies accordingly.
  5. Increased Sales: Emails can be incredibly persuasive. With the right message, you can encourage people to make purchases. Many businesses see a significant boost in sales following targeted email campaigns.
  6. Customer Retention: It’s not just about attracting new customers; retaining them is crucial. Emails keep you connected with your customers, remind them of your presence, and incentivize repeat purchases through offers and valuable content.
  7. Direct Communication: In an era where getting noticed is more difficult than ever, email provides a direct line to your audience. Unlike social media, where your content might not appear in every follower’s feed, an email lands right in the inbox.
  8. Mobile Accessibility: Most people check their emails on their smartphones. This means you can reach them anywhere, at any time, right in their pocket. It’s a direct pathway to constant connectivity.
  9. Automation: Online email marketing can be automated to save time while increasing effectiveness. Automated emails can be triggered by specific actions, such as purchases or website visits, providing timely engagement with minimal effort.
  10. Builds Credibility: Regular, informative emails can help you build authority in your niche. When you provide valuable content, you not only enhance relationships but also boost your brand’s credibility.
  11. Boosts Traffic to Your Website: By including links in your emails, you can drive recipients directly to your website. Whether it’s blog posts, contact forms, or special offers, emails can significantly increase your site’s traffic.
  12. Environmentally Friendly: Email marketing is green. Unlike traditional marketing, which often involves physical materials, emails are completely digital. This means less waste and a smaller carbon footprint.
  13. Easy to Start: You don’t need a big budget or a technical team to start with email marketing. Many platforms are user-friendly with drag-and-drop tools, making it easy for anyone to create engaging emails.
  14. Segmentation: With email marketing, you can segment your lists according to demographics, purchase history, and behavior. This segmentation lets you tailor your messages to meet the specific needs and interests of different groups.
  15. Instant Impact: Thanks to the immediacy of email, you can see results quickly. Launch a product or announce a flash sale, and you can get instant feedback on your campaign’s effectiveness.
  16. Global: Online email marketing is not constrained by geography. You can reach people across the globe as easily as you can your local customers. This opens up a world of opportunity for expanding your business.
  17. Less Intrusive: Unlike phone marketing, emails can be less intrusive. Recipients can open them at their convenience, which can lead to higher engagement rates as they’re more likely to be in the right mindset to interact with your content.
  18. Integration: Email marketing can easily integrate with other marketing strategies. Combine it with your social media, SEO, or any other strategy to create a cohesive marketing plan.
  19. Feedback and Surveys: It’s easy to gather feedback through email marketing by incorporating surveys in your emails. This can provide invaluable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.
  20. Longevity: Email has been around for a while, and it’s not going anywhere. It’s a proven tool in the marketing toolkit with a history of adapting to the changing digital landscape.
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Online Email Marketing:
More Proven Facts for You

If these reasons haven’t convinced of the effectiveness of email marketing, here 20 more proven facts and statistics that highlight the power of email marketing:

  1. High ROI: Email marketing offers an average return on investment of $42 for every $1 spent, which translates to a 4200% ROI, making it one of the highest among marketing channels.
  2. User Base: As of 2021, there were approximately 4.1 billion email users worldwide, a number projected to grow to nearly 4.6 billion by 2025, showcasing the vast reach of email marketing.
  3. Preference for Communication: A survey revealed that 72% of consumers prefer email as their main channel for business communication, indicating that most people welcome and expect to receive business information via email.
  4. Open Rates: The average email open rate across all industries is about 21.3%, which shows a healthy engagement level compared to many other marketing mediums.
  5. Click-Through Rates (CTR): The average click-through rate for email campaigns across all industries is around 2.62%, demonstrating a significant engagement compared to other direct marketing strategies.
  6. Conversion Rates: Emails have an average conversion rate of 1.22%, which, while it may seem low, is significant considering the volume of emails and the passive nature of the medium.
  7. Mobile Optimization: Emails that are optimized for mobile devices can see up to a 15% increase in click-through rates, as 46% of all email opens occur on mobile.
  8. Welcome Emails: Welcome emails generate 320% more revenue per email than other promotional emails, showing the importance of a strong first impression.
  9. Personalization Impact: Personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%.
  10. Segmentation Success: Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue. This highlights the effectiveness of targeting specific audience segments.
  11. Abandoned Cart Emails: Sending three abandoned cart emails results in 69% more orders than just a single email, which helps in recovering lost sales opportunities.
  12. Email Timing: Emails sent on Tuesdays have the highest open rate compared to other days of the week.
  13. Influencing Purchases: Nearly 60% of consumers say that email marketing influences their purchase decisions.
  14. Email and Social Media: Combining online email marketing with social media marketing strategies can lead to a 25% increase in overall engagement rates.
  15. Automated Emails: Automated emails generate 320% more revenue than non-automated emails, illustrating the effectiveness of automation technology in email marketing.
  16. Birthday Emails: Birthday emails can lift conversion rates by 60% over non-birthday email messages with the same offer.
  17. Re-engagement Campaigns: Re-engagement emails, or win-back campaigns, have good success rates, with over 45% of recipients reading subsequent messages.
  18. B2B Email Marketing: For B2B marketers, email is the third most influential source of information, behind only colleague recommendations and industry-specific thought leaders.
  19. Video in Emails: Including video in emails can increase click rates by 300%.
  20. Customer Retention: It costs five times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one, and online email marketing is considered one of the most effective tools for customer retention.

In conclusion, email marketing is a dynamic and versatile tool that can elevate your business in numerous ways.

From expanding your reach to building deeper customer relationships, the benefits are undeniable.

If you haven’t already incorporated email marketing into your strategy, now might be the time to start exploring its potential. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with your audience in a meaningful, impactful way.

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